September 10, 2008

Shit on toast

This campaign has gotten so fucking nasty I barely feel like blogging anymore. I know, I know, nasty doesn't stop the gpukes. In fact, the nastier it is the more they like it. Fucking disgusting. They're not human, just walking piles of slime. I do not want to stoop to their levels. Even I have standards!

Quick! Somebody talk me out of it!!


Undeniable Liberal said...

I hear ya, maru. They lie so often and so fast and we all know way to many sheeple are going to fall for it.

Now knock it off and get back to your world class snarkaluciousness.
You rock!

Undeniable Liberal said...

Oh, my bad, I forgot to say PLEASE!!!

Sator Arepo said...

Don't. Ever. Stop.

maru said...


Unknown said...

So many times I left a comment and deleted them over these weeks...what's happening is so heinous...I can't find the humor anymore. This is not America. No, wait...this actually IS America and I am ashamed. Kinda scared, too.


Anonymous said...

Keep the faith, WTFers!

Laughter is the riposte to the deluge of slime. You folks are doing a valuable, patriotic public service by pointing and laughing. The only way McSame is ever going to win is by browbeating registered Dems to stay home out of despair. Laughter is the antidote.

"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter." -- Mark Twain

We love you guys. We NEED you guys. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

What Joe said!

We do love you guys and PLEASE don't stop. To show my appreciation I've clicked off a couple of your wish list items. Share with the kitties and friends Maru.

Haven't seen pics of the puppy for awhile. Still part of the family I hope.


Anonymous said...

I hear you, Maru. We have a saying down here: "Don't rassle with a pig in the mud, because you both get dirty, and the pig LIKES it." That's the Rethugs, all right, speaking of pigs. Sometimes I think to myself that people here get the government they deserve. . . that we are living that movie "Idiocracy" already. But I'm not quite ready to give up either. . . XOXOXO


maru said...

I love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

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