September 8, 2008

'So... how much do you love America?'

Sarah Failin has consented to have multiple interviews with ABC gelded lapdog Charles Gibson in Alaska over two days later this week. Because if he fucks up and asks a toughie on the first day, there won't be a second.

Remember, the self-proclaimed pitbull-barracuda has to be treated with "respect and deference," so she will not be asked about the Bridge to Nowhere, whether her son cut the brakes of schoolbuses, whether she asked a library to ban books, the Troopergate investigation, her nutty pastor, her 5 colleges in 6 years, her embrace of federal pork and earmarks for Alaska, why she'll be using her poor retarded baby as a photo-op, why she'll be using her poor pregnant highschooler as a photo-op, whether she really did say "so Sambo beat the Bitch?" in regards to Senators Obama and Clinton, why she didn't have the "fucking redneck" arrested under Alaskan statutory rape laws,

Instead, we'll lhear all about how a gutsy working mother combined family with blah blah blah blah blah... what its like hunting moose... where she got those awesome glasses... how her faith in Jeebus helped her deal with family problems, the awful mean media...


microtherion said...

Lots of good questions, but the age of consent in AK is 16, so statutory rape laws don't enter the picture.

Anonymous said...

If people can't see how bad this choice is, I just have to give up. She can't be questioned even after she's accepted the nomination? WTF is up with that? Are they going to go soft on her during the debate with Biden? I cannot wait for that debate.

Anonymous said...

Retarded is a very offensive word. The child has Down's. Don't use the child like she does!

Anonymous said...

Biting satire, like we enjoy here, uses lots of offensive words. That's part of what gives it its "bite".

Rhode Island Rules said...

Why is Cindy front and center? And doesn't this photo look like it is from bad sitcom? Oh, wait, it is....

Anonymous said...

Think the questions will be vetted better than her?

Anonymous said...

Where's Bridget?

Anonymous said...

What do you get when you cross a pit bull with a barracuda?
Uh- Sarah Palin?

Anonymous said...

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