September 26, 2008

This just in from the Duh Herald-Tribune-Record

Alberto Gonzales starts recalling things.

Sources say [fomer Bunnypants' pet attorney general] Alberto Gonzales now claims that [Preznit Evil] personally directed him to John Ashcroft's hospital room in the infamous wiretap renewal incident — and that in another instance the President asked him to fabricate fictitious notes.

It's not too late to impeach this turdhole, you know. Like maybe after the economy disaster has passed, the one he helped create.


Anonymous said...

Yuh had to remind me about that fucking weasel -- AG the former AG! I had just about forgotten about him like I have Rumsfeld... DOH! Ah shit! Although AG's remarks sound entirely believable, it's hard to believe ANYTHING these assholes say! They lie out of habit -- unconsciously or just for practice -- so all you can believe about them is what you see (ie; AG was wearing a tie and suit -- that's ALL that can be learned from an interview with him). If they told me shit stinks I'd stick my nose in it rather than take their word.

Anonymous said...

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