September 9, 2008

The Times, They Are a Changin'

Remember the shrilly fauxrage festival when John Kerry referred to Darth Cheney's gay daughter as a lesbian? In yet another episode of a never ending series called IOKIYAR, THAT'S different:

Even by the low standards of the Republican News Network, this morning’s attack on Rachel Maddow, on the Fox News network, as a “lesbian Air America host” was a despicable new low. Those words, an open appeal to bigotry and hate, [were] said by an alleged media analyst named Tim Graham… This is sick and despicable stuff, even for Fox News.
What a shock. News flash, Timmy, when nasty, disgusting dysfuntional needle dick buttonhole fuckers like you take your clothes off, it drives women to lesbianism.

As the war against the “far left liberal” NBC/MSNBC rages on.......