A new ethics complaint has been filed against Sarah Failin, accusing the WalMart hockey-mom of abusing her power by charging the state of Alaska when her brood traveled with her.
The complaint alleges that [Bible Spice] used her official position as governor for personal gain, violating a statute of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. The complaint released Wednesday says Palin charged the travel costs for events her children were not invited to and where they served in no legitimate state purpose or business.
"Sarah ran on this very self-righteous campaign on ethics and anti-corruption. She is no different from the others," [Anchorage patriot Frank] Gwartney said. "Fuck this shit already."
The state already is reviewing nearly $17,000 in per diem payments to Palin for 312 nights she slept at her home in Wasilla, about an hour's drive from her satellite office in Anchorage.
"Sarah ran on this very self-righteous campaign on ethics and anti-corruption. She is no different from the others," [Anchorage patriot Frank] Gwartney said. "Fuck this shit already."
The state already is reviewing nearly $17,000 in per diem payments to Palin for 312 nights she slept at her home in Wasilla, about an hour's drive from her satellite office in Anchorage.
And that's not change we can believe in, my fellow prisoners.

*h/t to agordon!
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