October 20, 2008

Bush-backing papers in Texas endorse Obama

Even more conservative papers are slamming the McKeating/Mooselini ticket, repudiating the hateful devisiveness and meanspirited, exclusionary rhetoric of the campaign and that of their svengali, tiny-dicked scumbag Karl Rove. 'Nasty' just doesn't do it anymore, asswipe. The Houston Chronicle:

Perhaps the worst mistake McCain made in his campaign for the White House was the choice of the inexperienced and inflammatory Palin as his vice-presidential running mate.

What a fuckingly boneheaded dick move.

OK, the last bit was me. Even more so than all the flipflopping, the rightwingnut pandering, the erratic lurching, senile 'senior moments' and avoidance of the issues, the major problem for these republican America-hating, biased, drive-by papers from fake-America was the pick of the and odious and imbecilic Caribou Barbie.

A huge, 'staggering endosement' from the College Station Eagle:

Of great concern is McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. She is a candidate of little intellectual curiosity who appears to be hopelessly unready to be president. The fact that people are confused by the difference between Palin and comedian Tina Fey's caustic impersonation is clear evidence that Palin should not be, as they say, a heartbeat away from the presidency...

We also are dismayed by the tenor of the McCain-Palin campaign. It is time for America to look to its future with hope and optimism. It is time to say we can be better. It is time to redefine who we will be as a leader of nations.

With hope in our hearts and confidence in our choice, The Eagle recommends a vote for Barack Obama for president.

A Daily Dish reader responds:

A staggering endorsement? Staggering does not begin to describe it. College Station is home to Texas A&M University, with possibly the most conservative student body outside of Utah or Bob Jones University. I went there and am quite proud to have my degrees from there, but the idea of a paper from that area picking any democrat over a decorated war vet is much more than staggering. I'm looking for plagues of locusts, raining frogs, dogs and cats living together, and mass hysteria.

Later today: McCain will counter the Eagle's endorsement with that of the Southern Waco Poultry 'n' Chaw Tribune.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that College Station endorsement really is staggering! I spent a couple of years there as a post doc and yes it is one of the most conservative, military-infused places EVER. This is amazing!!!