October 24, 2008

An epidemic of incontinence

Blame game: the GOP forms a circular firing squad amidst an "increasingly acrid behind-the-scenes GOP meltdown." Hee hee hee! The party of personal responsibility is actually taking charge of their mistakes by blaming each other. Oh, and McInsane's "base", which is in the tank for Obama.

With despair rising even among many of John McCain’s own advisors, influential republicans inside and outside his campaign are engaged in an intense round of blame-casting and rear-covering -- much of it virtually conceding that an Election Day rout is likely.

What do you expect after eight years of rubber-stamping disastrous policies, shitting on the Constitution, and acting like total dicks to anyone that didn't have an R after their name?

A McCain interview published Thursday sparked the latest and most nasty round of Washington finger-pointing, with senior GOP hands close to [Preznit Goober] and top congressional aides denouncing the candidate for what they said was an unfocused message and poorly executed campaign.

Some McCain aides are already speaking of the campaign in the past tense. Morale, even among some of the heartiest and most loyal staffers, has plummeted. And many past and current McCain advisors are warring with each other over who led the candidate astray.

“If you really want to see what ‘going negative’ is in politics, just watch the back-stabbing and blame game that we’re starting to see,” said Mark McKinnon, the ad man who left the campaign after McCain wrapped up the GOP primary.

Not even nanotechnology can make a violin small enough to express my sadness.


Anonymous said...

"...We'd put in at Fortaleza, and a few of us had lines out for a bit of idle fishing. It was me had the first strike. A shark it was. Then there was another, and another shark again, 'till all about, the sea was made of sharks and more sharks still, and no water at all. My shark had torn himself from the hook, and the scent, or maybe the stain it was, and him bleeding his life away drove the rest of them mad. Then the beasts took to eating each other. In their frenzy, they ate at themselves. You could feel the lust of murder like a wind stinging your eyes, and you could smell the death, reeking up out of the sea. I never saw anything worse... until this little picnic tonight." (Michael O'Hara in 'The Lady From Shanghai', complements of the website www.imdb.com)

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edit: wrong post