October 13, 2008


John McInsane was for announcing a new economic plan today before he was against it.

Flipflop! Bonus statement from TFA:

The signs of internal confusion ...

Is that more "strategic incoherence", Mr Kristol? You betcha!

Above: dude, wtf??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the wtf?? is about the hat and sunglasses, McCain is wearing the kind of standard sun protection gear recommended for melanoma survivors. Being one myself, I own a similar hat, dark glasses and go through +70SPF sunscreen by the case.

Yeah, it looks dorky, but it's better than metastasizing melanoma, which can really ruin your day.

As much as I think McCain has pathetically ended his career in shame, he has promoted regular skin cancer screening and UV damage prevention from his "bully pulpit", and he deserves props for that.

But not much else.