October 15, 2008

GOP calls for the torture of Sen. Obama

After going on all the tv/radio talk shows to charge that the Obama camp is waging the dirtiest campaign ever, the gpukes pull a horribly offensive ad from their own website that was so appalling it disgusted even them. Andrew Sullivan:

Sacramento County republican leaders Tuesday took down offensive material on their official party web site that sought to link Sen. Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden and encouraged people to "Waterboard Barack Obama" – material that offended even state GOP leaders.

Not a lone protestor or crowd member. Not a fringe nut on Free Republic. On the official Republican website in the state capitol of the most populous state in the Union. This is why the GOP has to be defeated this time.

No fucking kidding. Not only defeated but crushed like fucking grapes, their screaming, mutilated bodies thrown into the Potomac and then shit on for good measure. Then set on fire. And shit on again. The actual pic:


tom said...

no words, they are just epic piles of crap, let me see, did their christianity say once upon a time
thou shalt not bear FALSE witness...perhaps not

Kulkuri said...

You are way too easy on them.