October 3, 2008

I'll Bet They Have the BEST Swap Parties

Random deep thought: Just who is fucking whom?

- Ron Brownstein, LA Times, married to Eileen McMenamin, John McCain’s communications director.

- NBC’s David Gregory, married to Beth Wilkinson, general counsel for Fannie Mae.

- Time’s Matthew Cooper, married to Mandy Grunwald, ad guru for Hillary Clinton.

- Campbell Brown, anchor for the weekend edition of NBC’s Today Show, married to Dan Senor, GOP operative and former head of the Coalition Provisional Authority.

- Jim VandeHei, former Washington Post reporter and founder of The Politico, married to former Tom DeLay staffer Autumn Hanna VandeHei.

- National Review writer Kate O’Beirne, married to WH staffer Jim O’Beirne.

- Robert Kagan, op-ed writer, married to Victoria Nuland, current ambassador to NATO.

-Andrea Mitchell married to Alan Greenspan

-James Carville and Mary Matalin.
One more: Bill O’Reilly is married to a loofah.
Liberal media, my skinny, pale ass.


HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...


Rhode Island Rules said...

It's all about being in the village of the kewl kids klub. Once you get there, not matter how you get there, you can be in playland and fantasyland for the rest of your life.

Woo-hoo! Inbreeding does work!

Anonymous said...

This is but a symptom of the real problem. The agenda, the political discourse, the focus of the media is determined by the corporate paymasters at the helm. With ABC owned by Disney (ESPN, Buena Vista, many others), CBS is Viacom, a massive media empire that includes MTV, VH1, Showtime, BET, and lots of local affiliates, and NBC owned by General Electric (the biggest defense contractor and "credited" by at least one researcher as the bigges killer of children in the world, with CNBC, MSNBC, A&E History, Biography, AMC, Bravo, WE and others, it is very easy to see why the major media are only interested in showing you their view of the world. The status quo is very profitable.

Whatever you do, don't think for yourself!!

maru said...

Did you ever wonder if Bill O yells "shut up! shut up! shut up!" to his poor wife/hooker in bed?

Nah, me neither.