October 14, 2008

McGramps drug watch

Over at the rightwingnut blogodrome, the trogs are worried that at the upcoming debate McSenile will still be the "peevish" old guy that aimlessly walked around the stage during the last one, looking for the screen that was playing 'Matlock' and fondling his belt-onion. So will his handlers give him something this time to make him more alert and lively and risk popping a fuse or blowing an O-ring? Or will they just hope for the best?

Update: McCain, though he's been insisting that he does not care about that “old washed-up terrorist,” will definately bring him up at Wednesday’s debate. And it's all That One's fault, for implying he's a chickenshit.

Do it, you cranky old fuck. And listen as Obama tells the audience that not only are the Annenbergs -- who head the charity board -- life-long republicans, but they have ties to you and your wife Cindypills and have contributed to your campaign. Go for it, numbnuts. Then maybe you can explain why your running mate, up unitl a month or so ago, was actively involved in the Alaska secessionist party. A commenter writes:

It will make McCain look petty and Obama look presidential as he calmly dismisses McCain's rant with a sentence or two. DO IT, McCain, and watch it backfire in your face like all the rest of your changing-on-a-daily-basis strategies.

What was that line... let me see... "We got 'em right where we want 'em"? Indeed.

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