Bloviating douchenozzle wHoreward Kurtz living in a fantasyland where little naked Karl Roves ride about on rainbow-colored unicorns, dispensing flower-shaped tubes of Astroglide.
"On Fox News last week, Sean Hannity said he was tempted to ask Barack Obama: "Where did you buy your cocaine, how much cocaine? How much cocaine did you use? How often did you use it? When did you stop?""
That's funny. I'm tempted to ask Hannity "When did you stop beating you wife? How about Ramon, your gay lover? How many batteries does your dildo go through each week? Does your pastor know you eat with that mouth?"
"On the same Monday night, Keith Olbermann said on MSNBC that John McCain had a responsibility "to say 'enough' to Republican smears without end" and not be "party to a campaign that devolves into hatred and prejudice and divisiveness."
"Are these guys watching the same presidential race, or even living in the same country?"
"Are these guys watching the same presidential race, or even living in the same country?"
Is wHoward Kurtz a complete d-bag? He misses the point completely. Of his own article.
Hey, fucking numbnut, go back and read your own stupid column. Whereas Hannity and Fox Nooze use every opportunity to lie about and smear Democrats, Olbermann fights back with the truth. Either you still have Karl's dick happily entrenched up your ass or you're just too fucking stupid to realize this. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even read what you write?? Pull the cheetos- and McSame dick-stained fingers out of your piehole and get a fucking clue, you imbecilic twat.

I used to like country crock. Now, not so much.
: D
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