Turning the other cheek, cuntservatards embra... just kidding. Sputum flying, they turn on 'should-have-been-aborted' 'traitor.'
Christopher Buckley is out at the National Review -- the mag his dad founded -- after he endorses Sen. Obama:
In that piece, Buckley said that he has known McCain since 1982 but that the senator has changed, airing "mean-spirited and pointless" attack ads and -- "What on earth can he have been thinking?" -- picking Sarah Palin as his running mate. While the result was "genuinely saddening" and even "tragic" for the country, Buckley wrote, he had concluded that Obama has a "first-class temperament and a first-class intellect" and could be a great president.
"Within hours, NR was being swamped with furious mail, 'Cancel my subscription, this is betrayal, Judas, Benedict Arnold,' " Buckley said in an interview. "I thought the decent thing to do would be to offer to resign the column. Well, they accepted it."
"Within hours, NR was being swamped with furious mail, 'Cancel my subscription, this is betrayal, Judas, Benedict Arnold,' " Buckley said in an interview. "I thought the decent thing to do would be to offer to resign the column. Well, they accepted it."
Sob! The baby Jeebus is probably so proud right now.
In his embrace of Obama, Buckley quoted his father as saying, "You know, I've spent my entire lifetime separating the Right from the kooks."
With a fucking crowbar, I bet.

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