October 13, 2008

Oh the Whore Horror!!

A political sex scandal that involves a women......must not be a Rethuglicanbot:

West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress who worked on his staff and was threatening to sue him, according to current and former members of his staff who have been briefed on the settlement, which involved Mahoney and his campaign committee.
The affair between Mahoney and Allen began, according to the current and former staffers, in 2006 when Mahoney was campaigning for Congress against Foley, promising "a world that is safer, more moral."
Well now, THAT worked out nicely. But still, the Dems are still far in arrears in the scandal department and they have some serious catching up to do.


Anonymous said...

True enough. We need something to break this mold. Somebody needs to start fuckin animals so that not only gender is immaterial, but species becomes an option to consider. Now there's a scandal we can all get behind (so to speak).

Kulkuri said...

Things are improving, this time it was an affair with an adult woman, not underage boys.

I guess in order to run for office you have to have so much ego that you think the rules don't apply to you.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I STILL can't comprehend WTF goes through the 'big heads' of these guys -- even the Dems -- when they risk their whole fucking political career for adulterous sex?!? I'm the first one to agree that extra-marital sex (with consenting adult) is not inherently relevant to politics. A politician should be judged on his/her policies as evidenced by their voting record -- that's the 'ideal'. But that being said, the reality is that this country hideously over-concerned with political trivialities like extra-marital sexual encounters (ESPECIALLY by Dems), so WHY would any politician think that 1)he'll NOT be found out, and 2)the electorate won't care?? Especially when you have a salacious press looking for the easy story?
I'm not saying that I expect all these politicians to behave ethically/morally -- but why not just pound your pud or have sex with 'the wife' and let it go at that, instead of risking a high-profile/status position for a little nooky on the side?