It's a massive, unmissable clusterfuck and has been for two months. They just can't hide it any longer. And the pick is a devastating one - because it basically destroys John McCain's credibility as a presidential decision-maker. His first major decision as a future president is one of the worst in American political history. That alone should be enough to seal his fate next Tuesday.
-- Andrew Sullivan.

Good post! The Repubes can too often unjustifiably carry off a front of serious gravitas and the too uninvolved segment of the US Public readily believes it. So if McPain had picked some typical Republican (old white male), the Repukelicans and MSM would have immediately bestowed on him the mantle of 'serious, seasoned candidate' EVEN absent anything to support such an analysis. But choosing Palin was just TOO tough to spin as anything but a 'down-home/homespun hockey mom' which -- while it may or may not be a laudible lifestyle -- certainly can NOT translate into a politician who is ready to be a VPOTUS (and plausibly the POTUS given McInsane's age/unknown medical condition).
Man, picturing her trying to deal with a 'Cuban missile crisis' leaves me very, very scared.
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