The McInsane camp is now blaming inept neocon ballgargler Bill "always wrong" Kristol for the downfall of the campaign. Because he recommended Sarah Failin as a running mate.
"We've got a lot of finger-pointing going on within the camp, and I'd say there's a pretty broad agreement amongst a number of the senior-most advisors to McCain that the Palin pick is worse than disappointing. It's a total disaster, as one describes to me. And there is a sort of blame game going on there. [...]
"I would say the anger and irritation between a number of the senior people in the McCain camp and Bill Kristol is become really acute.... They view this man as the guy who gave them this albatross, Sarah Palin. I think there's a lot of real anger about it. There's also recognition that it's too late to do anything."
"I would say the anger and irritation between a number of the senior people in the McCain camp and Bill Kristol is become really acute.... They view this man as the guy who gave them this albatross, Sarah Palin. I think there's a lot of real anger about it. There's also recognition that it's too late to do anything."
Bonus: They actually listened to Bill Kristol. Who's been wrong on absolutely everything. Now that's mavericky!

Ah, 'hoisted by their own pundit', eh?
Once again!
THIS is my favorite site EVAH!
i HAD to say so on account of how it hurtz when i laugh this hard.
M A R U R O C K S!!!
"......finger "WHATing?.....""
still laughing so hard i skeeered the dobbies!
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