October 10, 2008

That's how to do your job

Boy, what's with Andrea Mitchell lately? First she almost comes out and calls Joe Lieberman a sleazy knobgargler to his face, next she's cockpunching Tucker Bounds over the Ayers attacks by Grandpappy McKeating and Sarah Failin:

Mitchell: "There's been no question that there's been an exaggeration in a lot of the things Sarah Palin has said about the relationship. Why do that? What are you trying to suggest? Are you trying to make Barack Obama seem to be some sort of terrorist himself? This man has been running for President for the last two years and has been vetted through twenty two primary debates. Already two debates in the general election. What's your point?"

Bounds: "Well I think most Americans who are sitting at home watching television sets know that they don't have any friends that they've gone to their living rooms and helped with their career that are also..."

Mitchell: "Even calling him a friend, Tucker, I mean, even calling him a friend is an overstatement according to all the fact checking that we've been able to do."

Bounds: "La la la ... terrist, talking points blah ... "

Mitchell: "They were on the board of Walter Annenberg, a stalwart Republican who created an education foundation in Chicago, for Christssakes."

Bounds: "I'm not indicting the board. I don't think there's a problem with the board. I think there's a problem with having an unrepentant terrorist who's your friend and then going before the American people and them misrepresenting..."

Mitchell: "Talk about misrepresenting, you lying, hypocritical cocksucker! Haven't you heard a word I've said? What the fuck's wrong with you?"

Well, she should have, anyway.

Steve Benin writes:

But as long as we're on the subject, McCain's associations continue to be increasingly interesting as well. We've known for a while that McCain has befriended a convicted felon who advised his supporters on how best to shoot federal officials, used the money of a convicted criminal to help buy a house, befriended a radical anti-Catholic televangelist, befriended a radical anti-American televangelist, was a long-time associate of Charles Keating, and hired for his campaign the publisher of a Confederate nostalgia magazine who has described Nelson Mandela as a "terrorist." This week, we also learned about McCain serving on the board of the extremist U.S. Council for World Freedom, where he worked alongside Iran-Contra figures, and a eugenics researcher studying "white superiority."

Next: Black HUSSEIN Osama's a junkie!!1!! Ahem.

Bonus: the McCain surrogate who brought up Sen Obama's teenage coke use? His last name is Keating. Why does that sound so familiar....?

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