November 11, 2008

Jes' talkin', ya betcha

Firedoglake to Mooselini: 'are you fucking kidding me?'

Ms. Palin [in a giggly gab-session with Faux Nooze's Greta Van Susteren] directed most of her media criticism at liberal bloggers, whom she twice called, “those bloggers in their parents’ basement just talkin’ garbage.”

Don't fuck with us, you braindead clothes-robber, retorted Jane, who helpfully listed the qualifications of five six of the A-list dirty hippie commie bloggers -- all of which have shitloads more education and experience than Caribou Barbie, dumbass Diva of Trailerpark, North Bumfuck.

Me? I have an MA, a BA, know five languages, can do the NY Times Sunday crosswords, and have hung out with the Ramones. Besides, I never go down into my parents' basement. Its haunted.


Anonymous said...

Let's start backing her, it's a sure 2012 victory.

Anonymous said...

I had a blast today writing a post about a convo between her & God on that "opening the door" thingie.


Lex Alexander said...

You've hung out with the Ramones? Damn, no WONDER Divageek thinks the world of you.

Lex Alexander said...

I think Bible Spice has hung out with the Captain and Tennille.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the author of this quote, spoken about a columnist (rewritten to include our favorite Kewpie doll):

"[Sarah Palin] is nothing if not clever"

{.. Some information about why [SP] is less than stellar mentally..}

"[Sarah Palin] is not clever."

Anonymous said...

ah, i love you maru!

<3 <3 <3

LanceThruster said...

Hey, daddy-o
I don't wanna go down to the basement
There's somethin' down there
I don't wanna go
Hey, Romeo
There's somethin' down there
I don't wanna go down to the basement

Anonymous said...

And Egon for VP

If you don't want the gig, Maru, we ought to at least pass some new legislation that makes it illegal for ANYONE to run for office unless they've been interviewed and found to give satisfactory answers to ALL of your WTF Questions, and then they'd have to pass an Egon Soulscan-laser-look into the candidates to quickly discern if there is an actual real person in there behind the hype, or GAIA FORBID, lurking beneath their Rovebot programmed glaze, another 2-brain-celled nozz from the warted asshole (gatekeeper--the Pigboy) of Hell whose been activated to deceive all sentient beings who happen to have any shreds of soul and mind left after the 8 years of BushCo torture.

MARU 2012

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the fact that many cats are named after you:

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least they are our OWN pajamas.