November 12, 2008

Reid: Durban has pics of Lieberman with gerbils

CNN talking heads discuss the fate of long-time repuke rump-swab Joe the Lieberman:

WOLF BLITZER: "Senate Democrats are outraged that [Preznit CrashTest Dummy's cabana-boy] backed John McCain over Barack Obama. Take a listen to what the Senate majority leader told our John King..."

SEN. HARRY REID, via videotape, practically eating his own tie in impotent rage: "Joe Lieberman has done something that I think was improper, wrong. And I'd like -- if we weren't on television, I'd use a stronger word of describing what he did."

ROLAND MARTIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: "A-fucking-men, brudda. Where I come from, you cut them and you cut them deep. The bottom line is he made comments consistently that was attacking the Democratic nominee. I'm sorry, he has to be punished. Democrats will take out revenge against him because he has to pay for what he did."

GLORIA BORGER, CNN BINT: "[I]t's not what this president-elect wants to do right now. He wants -- you know, he wants to get as many votes as he can. He doesn't want to kick anybody to the Republican Party, particularly somebody who, by the way, votes most of the time with the Democrats."

MARTIN: "Sheeee, bitch! What are you, high? He sure didn't act like it."

Indeed. Deep-six that insufferable vichycrat now.

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