Maybe it's the weed, alcohol, I'm tired, but a Repuke from Texas has an idea worthy to consider.
As millions of Americans are hoping to maximize their holiday shopping budgets on today's Black Friday bargains, one U.S. Congressman is fighting to prevent more outrageous spending sprees by Washington with taxpayer dollars going to executive cronies.Why not? The way I see it, come March, I'm good.......for awhile.
With $350 billion of the $700 billion bailout still available to Paulson pending Congressional approval, a conservative Texas lawmaker is proposing to put that money towards a tax holiday from both personal income tax and FICA tax for Americans during January and February of 2009.
What do you think, WTF faithful?
Show your work.

Yeah. I'll take it.
(Rich Bastards pay more vs. Me)
Uh, fuck the rich bastards.
I'm down with it. Rather 'We' get it than 'They'.
Here's the republical plan . . . leave a broke Gov't to Obama, and win the next election. Cutting Gov't revenues won't help.
I hate Texass, Republicans, and any "good" ideas they might have.
What good is a tax holiday if you have little or no income?? If you aren't paying taxes now, what good is this plan?? Also there would need to be an upper limit to who gets the tax break. The rich have gotten too many tax breaks already!!
As Robert Reich points out repeatedly, giving cash away is not a solution. People won't spend it on consumer purchases, they'll spend it paying off bills (which is exactly what I did with both "stimulus checks" - off to the credit card companies they went!) Since we're stuck right now with a consumer-driven economy, we have to consume, and produce stuff to comsume. Which means creating jobs with wages high enough to pay the necessities and have enough left over to buy stuff. Anything else is just spinning our wheels in the mud.
Joe Max wins the thread!!
yeah, i'm in.
what i wanted to see originally, however, is every tax payer get a slice of the stock market, since we bought it and all..... sorta.
why don't we all have stock options showing up in our mail boxes?
never mind.
just let us keep our money instead of giving it to the feds who pass it along to big corpulantorations?!?
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