One of these things just doesn't belong -- headlines on Yahoo news this morning:
U.S. Hopes to Quiet Indian-Pakistani Tensions
Bombings Kill at Least 15 Across Iraq
Auto Giants Ratchet Up Pleas for Aid
Haste Could Make Waste on Stimulus
Federal Prosecutor Investigating Dismissal of 9 U.S. Attorneys in 2006
U.S. health gains stall, could reverse
US soldiers re-enlisting because of poor economy
Audit Finds Weak Oversight of Bailout Funds
Bank of America may dump 30,000 jobs
Bush uses final 50 days in office to tout legacy
AP - [Preznit GameBoy] says history will judge him, but he is getting his own crack first.
I bet. We all need some fucking crack after this horrendous administration.
[Planetary-wide disasters notwithstanding,] Bush is using his final 50 days in office to tout his legacy ...
Hold on, excuse me while I purge. Jeebus.
... to tout his legacy, hoping to leave a lasting impression of overshadowed progress.
Holy crap.
[The White House] wants the country to remember more than the war in Iraq, the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe, and all the government bailouts to help a crashing economy.
The corruption, the lying, the wiretapping, the waterboarding, the "1st Amendment Zones," the PDB "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US," the attacks on the environment and the Bill of Rights, the Valerie Plame outing, the still-unsolved anthrax attacks, swift boaters, Harriet Miers, Halliburton, Blackwater, Alberto Gonzales, Terri Schiavo, Quickdraw McCheney, Heckuva Job Brownie ...
Right. My pet goat we will!

You for got Enron!
Sorry, make that you forgot Enron!
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