December 5, 2008

Troglotard opens her oozing yap-hole

Poison discharge from 'Miss Hell' Malkin sickens thousands --

Did you know that Sarah Palin-haters are still trying to prove she didn't give birth to her youngest son, Trig? These tinfoil hat-wearers are as obnoxious and unhinged as the 9/11 Truth cultists who insist that America engineered the jihadi attacks on itself. The presidential campaign may be over, but there's no expiration date on Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Oh for the love of God.

You want to talk about crazy? Four words for you, you insane twat: Barack - Obama - birth - certificate.

Did you know that Obama-haters are still trying to prove he wasn't born in Hawaii? These tinfoil hat-wearers are as obnoxious and unhinged as the knuckledragging dittomonkeys who insist that Hillary Clinton shot Vince Foster. The presidential campaign may be over, but there's no expiration date on Democrat Derangement Syndrome.

Wow, that was fun. Now shut the fuck up. Cunt.

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