January 3, 2009

Bonus Caturday pics!

Ozzie sez "Let me fix this for you."

SpiceGirl takes a break from destroying ornaments.

Berry and nutcracker stand guard.


Capt. Bat Guano said...

Has any one ever got a good explanation of why cats like paper so much?

maru said...

Or boxes!

Anonymous said...

They like paper and boxes because their brilliant senses have the talent of communing with the source of those things--TREES, which of course they LOVE for myriad reasons. The vestiges of Tree spirit speak to the Kittehs when the kittehs ruffle up the papers to make noise, and when the kittehs just lie quietly inside the box to grok the tree aroma and intuitively commune with the spirit of the tree that made that box. The world of the Kittehs is magikul.

Speaking of LOVE for myriad reasons, where's Egon this Caturday, sleeping off the Eggnog?

Anonymous said...

these pics of the lowest foot of your home are wonderful, maru. i'm betting the other top feet are just as warm and pretty!