President Joe Biden takes control of the helm until that Hussein fella can be sworn in properly.
Chief Justice John Roberts gives hope to freetards everywhere, fumbling during the administration of the oath of office to President Obama.
Over on Fox, bloviating douchenozzle Chris Wallace predicted this will go to the courts. Though, presumably, if it makes it to the Supreme Court, Roberts -- who was the one who screwed it up in the first place -- will bitchslap the motherfucker who decided to call him on it, thus embarrassing him all over again.Update: Even as Constitutional experts roll their eyes in exasperation, the partisan twats at the Fox Nutwork are still going at it:
On the January 21 edition of Fox & Friends, Fox News repeatedly aired video of the oath flub, and co-host Gretchen Carlson stated of the administration of the oath of office by Roberts, "Well, but, here's the thing. Is he really president?" After co-host Steve Doocy responded, "Yes," Carlson again asked, "Is he really president?" and went on to claim, "Because there was a flub in the oath of office."

When Fox is reduced to spending time on minutae like this (or Obama's minor error about 44 vs 43 men who were previously POTUS), MAYBE it will slowly dawn on the dim-bulbs who watch Fox that it IS truly devoid of content -- ".. full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Apologies to Shakespeare for dragging him into this tawdry company). MAYBE these viewers (or at least some of them) will start to think "Hey, there's a lot more important things -- like Iraq, Gaza, the economy, health care, unemployment, etc -- then minor technicalities". And of course when they remember back to the reign of error of W and how he fucked-up the BIG things AS WELL as the small things (like misprouncing every 10th word he said).
He has now retaken the oath, correctly this time. Which, of course, will not stop some retard from suing to claim that Obama isn't really the president.
I think this proves once and for all that the Chief Justice is unfit for leadership.
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