January 3, 2009

Petition Wal-Mart to hire Alberto Gonzales

ArchieG points us to Gen. JC Christian's heartwarming plea to WalMart to hire the out-of-work disgrace as a greeter:

He has a lot to offer a company like Wal-Mart. If someone asks him where to return merchandise, he could tell them he doesn't recall, or better yet, say something like, "You did not buy that here; you built it in your garage," or "Uh, you're at the wrong place. This isn't Wal-Mart. Islamic taxi drivers switched our signs during the night."

Heh. Then after you cockpunch the son of a bitch you could always say you just don't remember doing anything like that.


Anonymous said...

heh! That was the first thing I thought of when he was whining about being unemployed. Oh Gonzo, there's alway Wal-Mart or McDonald's. Gotta start somewhere.

Distributorcap said...

i love to have more reasons to never go near a walmart