January 9, 2009

Sarah Failin: "Wehhhh! Swift Boat liberal bloggers spread lies about me!"

Yeah, I can see her point.
From my house.

Poor, pooooor Barbie. And if Al Gore hadn't invented the internet, all this never would have happened. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

The Disasta from Alaska blames the mainstream media and bloggers for portraying her as an ignorant, hateful harpy. By quoting her. Verbatim.

Sarah Palin, still bitching over coverage of her vice presidential run, calls the media's reporting on her family "very scary" and says there may be "a class issue" that explains the more sympathetic treatment of Caroline Kennedy, who isn't a) a lying, stupid cunt or b) running for vice president of the United States.
Evidently Mooselini expected to get a free pass, the same way that terrist fistjabbing Muslim Black HUSSEIN Osama and shrill, murdering lesbian Hitlary Xlintoon did.
The Alaska governor also took a swipe at Katie Couric over the CBS interview in which Palin stumbled badly, saying: "Katie, you're not the center of everyone's universe."
To which Ms Couric should have replied "Look who's talking. And quit believing the RNC's press releases, you drooling hosebag."

Failin also said Couric and Tina Fey have been "exploiting" her, which led Jay Leno to do yet another monologue on Bill Clinton's cock.

Palin did her whining Monday with a rightwing radio hateshow hack, who gushingly agreed with every word she said then went and jerked off in a broom closet.

Think I'm kidding? Here's the closing quote by the unhinged nutbar who interviewed her:
"I also know, with moral certitude, that the media assassination of her, her character and family, was one of the greatest public injustices of our time and that I’m totally justified in devoting my life to correcting the historical record..."
Dude. "One of the greatest public injustices of our time"? You fucking retard.


Anonymous said...

He was on MSNBC with David Schuster around noon today and got his ass handed to him...started talking about their "agenda" and Shuster let him have it.

Anonymous said...

Did Palin lose an arm or part of her brain in her little election campaign, unlike people who went to Iraq? I'd say losing body parts for a useless and immoral war trumps the shit out of any imagined "media assassination." Typical that these dicks think they're soooo special, that they need this kind of historical revision.

Anonymous said...

WhiterShadeOfPalin gave up a potentially lucrative career in TruckStoppageJismReceptacle Futures to provide this sort of entertainment for us...