February 14, 2009

Caturday Breakfast Links

Norm Coleman’s High School picture
Explains everything, at least he didn't inhale.

US Intel Confirms Iran Not Developing Nukes
Ok.....that settles it.....
U.S. Now Sees Iran as Pursuing Nuclear Bomb

For the eleventy googoltillionth time, victory in Iraq is just around the corner.

Couple make burglar clean their home

10 Things Sci-Fi Got Wrong


Anonymous said...

Norm's hair is awesome!!!

Don't tell me he wasn't Phelpsing a bong and scoreing with the chicks.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Norm. There is no bigger piece of shit than a phony, sold out hippie piece of shit. I know, I got my at The Evergreen State College here in WA. Also referred to us out here as Trustafarian High. Baby sitting service for the east coast wealthy who are tired of their stupid little spawn embarrassing them.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

...got my degree at... sheesh, commenting before coffee.