From the Gpukes' "If we say something often enough, maybe it'll come true/people will believe it!" files: John Hindrocket's powerloon blog passes around the kool-aid to its legions of knuckle-dragging dittoheads:
As I noted earlier this evening, the American public is showing virtually no confidence in the economic measures that have been implemented or advocated by the Obama administration.
Oh really. That's funny, because back on planet Earth...
The NYT:
President Obama is benefiting from high levels of confidence among Americans about his leadership, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. A majority of people surveyed in both parties said Mr. Obama was striving to work in a bipartisan way, but most Americans faulted Republicans for their response to the president.
Large majorities of Americans support President Barack Obama's plans to revive the economy and his efforts to work across party lines, according to a pair of public opinion polls released Monday.
The WaComPo:
64 percent of those polled back the economic recovery package and the same percentage backs the mortgage proposal. Overall, 60 percent of poll respondents approve of how he is dealing with the economy.
Had enough yet? No? Good:
Head-to-head, though, Americans are putting far more faith in Obama than in congressional Republicans: 61 percent said they trust Obama more than the GOP when it comes to economic matters, just 26 percent side with the Republicans in Congress. Obama's advantage on that question is bigger than George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, or George H.W. Bush ever had over the opposition party in the legislature on dealing with the economy.
Overall, Democrats maintain a nearly 2 to 1 edge over Republican'ts as the party Americans prefer to confront "the big issues" over the next few years.
Overall, Democrats maintain a nearly 2 to 1 edge over Republican'ts as the party Americans prefer to confront "the big issues" over the next few years.
Suck it, pukes.
"the American public is showing virtually no confidence in the economic measures that have been implemented or advocated by the Obama administration."
OK, here we go:
Dow up 3.3 % - 235.76 points
S&P 500 up 4.0 % - 29.6 points
Nasdaq up 3.9 % - 54.11 points
Citigroup up 21.5 %
Bank of America up 21 %
S&P Financial Index up 11.4 %
Nope, no confidence What. So. Ever.
Do you realize that these people are actually allowed to drive cars, own guns and....procreate?
The conservatives who have been in power over the last few decades have made us believe that ANY government spending is socialism. That's just not true. This country was built through strong government programs and spending. The conservative myth that all private spending is wise and productive and public spending foolish and wasteful is what has gotten us into the economic mess we find ourselves in today. There is nothing socialist about having a government that serves the people - we live in a democracy, not a socialist state. It's the decline in national investments that has led us to a place where from 1989 to 2006, the highest-earning 10 percent of U.S. households collected over 90 percent of the nation’s income gains. Today the top 1 percent of American families receives 23 percent of all personal income, up from just 10 percent in 1979. Corporate executives earn 275 times as much as average workers, compared with 27 times in 1973 (these facts are taken from the downloadable book Thinking Big from the Progressive Ideas Network).
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