Freedom fries, Terri Schiavo, flag pins. Now its teleprompters. Do we really want to get in a pissing match here, repukes? It's not going to take long for us to find pics of St Ronnie, George-the-Slightly-Smarter or his retarded spawn reading off one. Or of Smirky McGameBoy with a "hidden" receiver under his jacket. Or really anyone on tv or making a public address. Come on.
And spare me the faux-outraged, sanctimonious hairpulling bullshit over the economy. Where were you the past eight years when your dear Disasterer was screwing shit up? Oh, that's right: you were enabling him. So fuck you and your self-righteous panty-wringing.
March 19, 2009
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3/19/2009 04:26:00 PM
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The fuckin' Repukes don't wanna go there!
We all know the idiots they've trotted out to lead the country the last 40 years. Fuckin' Bush couldn't read the teleprompter!
They just couldn't take chimpy's cock out of their mouth/ass long enough to sound any alarms.
And it wasn't like they were innocent bystanders in this economic situation - - THESE were/are the results of their FAVORED policies coming home to roost! The Repukes were the ones (REALLY starting in the late 70's/early 80's with 'Saint Ronnie' and his conservative brethren) who were constantly preaching deregulation as the gospel - - the end in itself rather than the means. You were oh-so 1960's if you mentioned any corporate transgressions that had caused these regulatory agencies to be (reluctantly) put into being in the first place! They pushed and coerced most of the Dems that were moderates into going along with them. Now they're acting SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TELL YOU! that unregulated entities will 'not always' act in a socially beneficial way, in fact usually they'll regress into a petty, greedy outlook.
It's all pretty obvious bullshit, so it'll be interesting to see if most of the American sheeple will swallow it...
PS - (RE: teleprompters)
As you so correctly point out Maru, virtually ALL public figures sometimes use teleprompters (or written notes), but one thing is fer sure - - fucking W could barely utter a complete, coherent sentence even WITH a teleprompter, much less during those impromptu moments where he had to speak unscripted. All he was 'good' at was mumbling vague threatening phrases at 'terrirsts' and then killing a lot of innocent civilians.
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