March 6, 2009

Drug-addicted prepubescent boy-lover taking the blue pills again

When not squidging themselves senseless over gun-carry laws or re-affirming their love of el Cystbo, the topic at freeretardlick and other rightwingnut sites today is President Obama's non-response to Lush Limpball's "challenge" to debate him in his stinky, pork-rind-filled studio. Because the President of the United States has absolutely nothing better to do right now than sit down with a radio talk show host a loudmouthed, bigoted junkie with hygene issues and an overweening sense of his own self-importance.

But if you're a conservatard, you're asking yourself 'what is Barry Hussein afraid of?' As a poster at put it --

I too challenge Obama - to an arm wrestling contest! If Obama refuses to accept my challenge, then that means that I am stronger than him!

Heh. That must be it.


Grandpa Eddie said...

And I'm sure Einstein would have wasted his time debating some idiot like that ass-bag on the theory of relativity

shartheheretic said...

What is up with Limpballs in that video? When I saw the clip of him on MSNBC, my first thought was "when did he start doing coke? 'cause he's terribly jumpy".

Anonymous said...

Limbaugh won't even take phone calls on his show from people with opinions/facts that differ from his -- he has his screeners get rid of them, or puts them on interminable 'hold' -- if they sneak on by feigning right-wing views and then confront him, he goes into his phony "I'm incensed" act and hangs up on them. It's all a scam
and it tells you what a great 'debater' he is! He's just a coward-in-a-closet whose loud manner impresses the lesser intelligent/more troubled among us.

eldungo said...

I have been challenging rush to a fistfight for months. No response. I don't want anything. I just want to fight him. I'm a middle aged schlub and I've been in a brawl or two. Not like most people, who's last fight was in the 6th grade. I give him true fighting words. About his mother mostly. Any man worth his salt would say that they are fighting words. But no response. He's a fat pussy. And a coward. I hope he dies before Ted Kennedy. I don't threaten him or anything. I just call his mother names and challenge him to a fistfight. What a pussy! E-mail him. Tell him you want to fight him!

eldungo said...

Ill fight any of his on-air staff as well. But, of course, no response. These people are dangerous to our way of life. I say we set them on fire and take their stuff!

Sue said...

LOLOL!! eldungo, thats laugh out loud hilarious! Why haven't I been reading these great blogs, cuz I've been obsessed with the rantings of the repubs blogs? UGH!!! I found you from ornerybastard, I'll be back!