March 6, 2009

Fears of a clown

Because sometimes there is nothing better than insulting a vile, bloated piece of shit.


The sweaty, swollen man in the black, half-buttoned shirt who ranted for nearly 90 minutes Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. He reiterated his desire to see the president of his country fail. He misstated the Constitution’s intent while accusing President Obama of “bastardizing” the document. He made fun of one man’s service in Vietnam, to laughter.

David Letterman compared him to an Eastern European gangster. But he looked more like a bouncer at a strip club who spent all his tips on one bad outfit. And for the Republican Party, Limbaugh has become very much a vice....

[L]et us never forget that the bailouts of banks and insurance companies were initiated by the Republican president Limbaugh defended for eight years.

Word. And as for his grovelling reboob defenders:
You could almost hear their teeth clattering in fear of the all-powerful talk radio wacko, the denier of global warming, the man who said Bill Clinton’s economic policies would fail just before an unprecedented run of prosperity.

Read the whole thing here.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Gee, I wonder if what that fat-assed slime-ball is doing could be considered un-American activities.

It would have been under the Bush dictatorship!

Anonymous said...

"[L]et us never forget that the bailouts of banks and insurance companies were initiated by the Republican president Limbaugh defended for eight years."

He was wrong.

[L]et us never forget that the bailouts of banks and insurance companies were initiated by the Republican PRESIDENTS (plural) Limbaugh defended for SIXTEEN years.