As a recovering Catholic, I find it hard difficult to believe that God's ONE TRUE CHURCH would allow a twice-divorced, pro-dealth penalty Newt anywhere near one of their churches:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will officially convert to Catholicism this Saturday at St. Joseph's in Washington, D.C. The move has long been planned -- the New York Times Matt Bai mentioned it in a profile of Gingrich last month -- and will allow Gingrich and his wife, Calista, to practice the same faith. (Gingrich was a Baptist for much of his life.) Let the "what does this mean for 2012" speculation begin!I wonder how many Bishops are going to urge that he be denied communion. Oh, that's right, even in the Catholic "religion," IOKIYAR.
My bad, smite me!

You don't really think the "church" will deny him communion because he's pro death penalty, do ya?
Pope Rat-Nazi is pro death penalty, he condemned millions to death in Africa when he told them they couldn't use condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.
I say we crucify both those motherfuckers!
i never knew the church to deny anyone who had dollars for the coffers.
Oh, but Newty was divorced BEFORE he saw the light and converted to Catholicism, so that doesn't count. Now, due to his prominent position, when he can advance the cause, he will be accepted wholeheartedly, especially when bringing money. The pop's dresses, designer shoes and jewelry don't come cheap and Republicans servicing trophy wives understand that better than anyone.
That would be pope's, not pop stars although there is negligible difference.
He'll have to be taught of all the Mysteries of the Church like First Communion, Confirmation and the Holy Circle Jerk.
Then he'll understand the real meaning of that old saw:
Hold 'er Newt, I held 'er fer you.
Catholics believe in miracles.
That's why they keep making it up as they go along, someday they just might get it right!
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