Geeeez, how much time ya got?? Though this piece in Slate is about Judiciary nominees and the rethugs' newfound love of the filibuster, I'm stealing the title for this post about the economic hypocrisis.
Rep. Barney Frank:
"Memory eventually fails us all, but apparently the decline strikes one party far more than the other.
"In recent weeks, my friends across the aisle have expended a lot of breath proclaiming that the Democrats caused the present financial crisis by failing to pass legislation to regulate financial services companies in the years 1995 through 2006.
"There is only small one problem with this story -- throughout this entire period the Republicans were in complete charge of the House and for the most critical years they controlled the House, the Senate, and the Presidency."
"In recent weeks, my friends across the aisle have expended a lot of breath proclaiming that the Democrats caused the present financial crisis by failing to pass legislation to regulate financial services companies in the years 1995 through 2006.
"There is only small one problem with this story -- throughout this entire period the Republicans were in complete charge of the House and for the most critical years they controlled the House, the Senate, and the Presidency."
Lots more here. And from one of the troll-people, here's conservatard Byron Yorrrrrrrrrk at the dc-ishouldhavemyhead-examineder:
'"Ultimately, I'm responsible, I'm the president of the United States," Obama told reporters. "The buck stops with me." That makes it official: Barack Obama didn't start the financial crisis, but he owns it now.'
Yeah. Unlike your retarded former preznit and the rest of your benighted, morally-suspect party that brought this upon us, this Democratic President is taking some responsibility. What a strange and wonderful concept! And your reaction -- which comes as no surprise -- is to smugly play with yourself in your darkened, fetid basement. Just another excuse to sit back and do nothing but carp. You 'pukes did nothing for the past eight years, you continue to do nothing now. And rubbing one off as you genuflect under a poster of St Ronnie of Reagan doesn't count. Oh, I forgot: doing something positive might mean the President succeeds, and you can't have that! Better the whole country falls flat on its ass. Your mom must be so proud. ** sniff! ** You fucking sack of crap.
PS: It's still Bush's fault.

"It's still Bush's fault."
Always will be, too.
No doubt there.
Technically, I think it would have to be Reagan's, Bush 1's, Clinton's and Bush 2's fault combined. They were in charge while the country went wild on deregulation and runaway corporate, consumer capitalism.
Yeah, Julian, I agree that it's got a lineage that goes back to the mid/late 70's, in that even Jimmy Carter was actually a bit of a moderate/semi-conservative Democrat. As I recall, the early 70's were turbulent and then there were a couple of 'gas shocks' with accompanying inflation, so I think a lot of middle-America turned toward the conservative rhetoric.
That being said, I still believe that Reagan and especially BushII were SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the other presidents of this era. I can find some positive policies here and there that even Bush I, and more so with Clinton/Carter, enacted. It's almost impossible for me to do that with Reagan or W..
I've gotta agree with big em, Reagan and Bush II were the big culprits here.
"It's still Bush's fault."
Wha...? Wait! You mean it's no longer Clinton's fault? When did that happen?
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