Oopsie! Another simulpost. The lovely and snarkalucious Maru has has a great take on this below. Drug diseased, liberal minds think alike, you know.
Paul Begala, on CNN,
The Republicans are like an arsonist who complains that the fire department is wasting water... Unless and until they do offer an alternative, they really have no right to whine about the president. For now at least, GOP stands for Got 0 Plans.Hold me I think I'm going to c-c-ccuuuu......good nite.

I'm glad you're back!!
*See comment on Maru's post.
He's absolutely right. They will yell the loudest about entitlements and unions and cutting the budget but they will scream when their is no one available to put out a fire that threatens their house or respond to a police emergency or if they have to drive on roads with potholes.
They never carry their decisions out to see what the consequences for themselves are. They are the original masters of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
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