Wife of sainted republican icon causes all manner of butt-hurt at retarded conservatard site.
Under fire from congressional Republicans for lifting restrictions on stem-cell research, President Barack Obama got a powerful endorsement for his move Monday from Nancy Reagan, the former’s president’s wife.
“I’m very grateful that President Obama has lifted the restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research,” she wrote in a statement. “These new rules will now make it possible for scientists to move forward. I urge researchers to make use of the opportunities that are available..."
“I’m very grateful that President Obama has lifted the restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research,” she wrote in a statement. “These new rules will now make it possible for scientists to move forward. I urge researchers to make use of the opportunities that are available..."
I'm sorry, I couldn't finish that due to the sound of freetard screaming in my ears.

Wow, Nancy woke up.
I think she realizes that said research would have helped her dead husband.
Finally, after almost a decade of limiting taxpayer money for research president Barrack Obama has lifted the restrictions on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research today. Let's think of how many Americans are suffering from ailments and what this research can do for them. I'm sure everyone reading this knows someone important to them that is affected by one of these maladies such as Parkinson's, repairing spinal cord injuries as well as treating diabetes, cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and many more defects.
There's a young man in Georgia who was wounded in Iraq and suffered a spinal cord injury leaving him mostly paralyzed. There's nothing I'd like to see more than him standing up on his own again. It irritates me to no end to have the same assholes responsible for his injury opposing the research that could correct it. If they wouldn't allow it for the general population, they should at least have made an exception for disable veterans, but noooooooo. Magic Jesus would be unhappy.
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