March 31, 2009

Serenity now!

NASA's "outreach to the public to drum up interest in the International Space Station" succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. So wtf is their problem?

NASA in Colbert conundrum over Space Station.

Stephen Colbert supporters cast 230,539 write-in votes to name the new living module at the $100-billion space outpost "Colbert." The top NASA-suggested name, "Serenity," finished a distant second, more than 40,000 votes behind. Now the agency's panties are in a bunch.

'Wehhhhh! You don't like our pathetic, sanitary-napkin-brand name! Tough poopies! We're gonna call it that anyway!'

Why does NASA hate America?

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Space Module: Colbert - Democracy in Orbit
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest


Grandpa Eddie said...

His fans did this when there was a bridge in Hungary that the govt there put up for a vote. He won that "contest", too.
The Hungarians said they couldn't do that because 1)he wasn't Hungarian, and 2)he wasn't dead.

Let's face it, NASA is gonna do what they want. To bad. I think Colbert on the side of the ISS would be cool!

alyssa said...

They could compromise and name it "Trebloc". That sounds vaguely Trekky for some reason.