A beauty of a piece from our friends in Canada, telling the 'rabid right' it's time they shut their fucking pieholes.
And yet, lacking the shame they have so richly earned, they are not doing so. Four months ago, they lost an election that gave a decisive mandate for change to the other side, to the hope for an antithetically different approach.
Four months ago, they were told unequivocally that their time in power -- the eight years they used so spectacularly to transform prosperity into ashes and peace into war -- was over. Finito. Goodbye. But they don't seem to get it.
Barely into Barack Obama's early attempts to clean up their messes, they've re-emerged into the sunshine, crowing from the roof of the roost as if they still ruled it.
So, for leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, do these clowns get to look forward to justice? Nope, not in this culture. What they get instead is unlimited soapboxes, fat speaker's fees and generous opportunities to rehabilitate reeking personal reputations.
They have also reduced public debate to unprecedented levels of interpersonal nastiness... It betrays a profound lack of generosity, civility and regard for others. A lack of humanity, in short.
In a just world, they'd be in some dark hiding place, grateful not to be in the slammer. In a just world, they'd hang their heads in shame.
In a just world, they'd realize the time had come for them to shut their malicious mouths.
Four months ago, they were told unequivocally that their time in power -- the eight years they used so spectacularly to transform prosperity into ashes and peace into war -- was over. Finito. Goodbye. But they don't seem to get it.
Barely into Barack Obama's early attempts to clean up their messes, they've re-emerged into the sunshine, crowing from the roof of the roost as if they still ruled it.
So, for leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, do these clowns get to look forward to justice? Nope, not in this culture. What they get instead is unlimited soapboxes, fat speaker's fees and generous opportunities to rehabilitate reeking personal reputations.
They have also reduced public debate to unprecedented levels of interpersonal nastiness... It betrays a profound lack of generosity, civility and regard for others. A lack of humanity, in short.
In a just world, they'd be in some dark hiding place, grateful not to be in the slammer. In a just world, they'd hang their heads in shame.
In a just world, they'd realize the time had come for them to shut their malicious mouths.
Yes!! Read the whole thing here.

Saw this at Canada.com, got sent there from another blog.
Did read the whole thing, that Jackie Kennedy is alright in my book.
And just why don't they STFU?!?
Their time to fuck everything up is over, it's time for all of them to go away!
A time for everything under Heaven!
Consider the history and personas of two neighboring nations. The first says it's aspirations and principles are "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" and the other is dedicated to "Peace, Order and Good Government".
One is very much inward looking and champions the triumph of the individual, the other values a community ethic and a sense of interdependence.
To me it explains everything.
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