April 7, 2009

Forgetting the past 8 years, cont.

'When it comes to politicians & hookers, the Weekly Standard sets a new standard for hypocrisy.' Below, they vent their outrage over Elliot Spitzer making the comeback trail:

“Not so long ago, when a politician was caught in bed with a whore, it meant not only the end of his political career, but extended exile from polite society. This was particularly true of politicians–Client No. 9, for example–who wore their virtue on their shirtsleeve.”

Phil Singer rightfully adds 'But... but... David Vitter!'

Not to mention Newt Gingrich, who's also trying to rehabilitate his image and get back into politics. Or John McCain, who also romped with hookers back in the day. Or Nevada gov Jim Gibbons, who also threatened to rape a cocktail waitress back in 2006 and is still serving as governor.


Capt. Bat Guano said...

Hey Vitter, Jesus wants to kick you in the nuts, repeatedly.

Grandpa Eddie said...

That "standard" only hold water when it's a Democrat was cavorting with a lady of the evening. Rethuglicans are absolved from any wrongdoings, just like the pedophile priests who screw with the kids for Pope Rat-Nazi. (I wonder if da Poop plays with himself under that dress.)