Every time I see that faux-gravitas'd bozo he's asking someone whether they, like Dick, think the Prez has made the country less safe. Maybe now he'll shut the fuck up.
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll indicates Americans don't agree with Dick Cheney's recent assertion that President Obama's actions have increased the chances of a terrorist attack against the United States.
Seventy-two percent of those questioned in the poll disagree with Cheney and with [his CNN stenographer] John King's weekly, obsessive parrotting of the former dicktatorhead's neocon talking point.
Next: majority of Americans wish King would shut his stupid pie-hole over the whole "surge" thing already, as not only was that so three years ago, there are more important things to worry about now.

John King is a tool of the Rethuglican Do Nothing Party.
This asshole is the reason I refuse to watch CNN for ANYTHING!
No, see John King is being paid to spit the shit he spews. If he were to change his mind and speak the truth he would no longer be able to pay his mortgage. Tell me again...what is the difference between these right wing tools and prostitutes?
At least with a prostitute it's fun getting screwed.
Why should we be surprised that nobody believes "Dick" Cheney? His approval rating was below 20% when he left office. He's one of the least popular people on the planet.
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