CNN's wooden yamsniffer John King manages to type around the former vice president's penis for a sec -- whoops! Nope, it got in the way again!
There are Sundays where we make the news and Sundays where we just hang on and cover breaking news as best we can.
Then there are Sundays when all I do is parrot rightwing talking points while replaying my old interview with Dick "tator" Cheney. Even if its just inside my own head.
Obama's journey began Thursday in Mexico and finished with two days spent talking to leaders from across the Western Hemisphere. Some of them, such as Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, were viewed as extremely dangerous by the Bush administration.
Then there was last week's release of Bush administration memos that stated that interrogation techniques made us safer. So isn't the release of these memos a serious error? You betcha.
Then there was last week's release of Bush administration memos that stated that interrogation techniques made us safer. So isn't the release of these memos a serious error? You betcha.
Asswipe. OK, I paraphrased a bit, but still.

Yamsniffer? YAMSNIFFER? Oh, holy jeebus, Maru, where DO you find this stuff? (ROFLOLing) Now, who can I use THAT on?
Just about every "journalist", silly! : )
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