The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel declared Al Franken the winner by 312 votes, Norm Coleman a hopeless loser yet again. The Minneapolis Star Tribune:
"After a trial spanning nearly three months, Norm Coleman's attempt to reverse Al Franken's lead in the recount of the US Senate election was soundly rejected today by a three-judge panel that dismissed the Republican's lawsuit. The judges swept away Coleman's argument that the election and its aftermath were fraught with systemic errors that made the results invalid. 'The overwhelming weight of the evidence indicates that the Nov. 4, 2008, election was conducted fairly, impartially and accurately,' the panel said in its unanimous decision."
"Soundly rejected." But the wehhhhhhmbulance is still double-parked in front of the Coleman residence:
A Minnesota court ruled Monday night that Democrat Al Franken has defeated total fucking loser Norm Coleman and should be granted the election certificate that will allow him to take his seat in the U.S. Senate.
The Coleman camp immediately vowed toappeal continue to behave like spoiled WATBs in need of a good and utter slapdown to their puling, snot-filled faces.
The Coleman camp immediately vowed to
There. Fixed it.

Pic by our buddy Monkeyfister!
This asshat is gonna drag this on as long as he can. He doesn't give a damn about the people of Minnesota. He wants what he wants and that's it!
I knew that pic would come in handy for your fell porpoises!
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