April 15, 2009

You're gonna NEED a dick army!

David Shuster has some fun with the teabaggers:


Grandpa Eddie said...

These fools will be against anything their handlers, Fuks Nuz and the Rethulicans, tell them to be against.

julian said...

It was a beautiful day today, so I did some errands around the city. I got to the statehouse and saw this minor horde of teabaggers protesting. The first thing I noticed was the proliferation of faux military garb with mock insignias on them. Like little kids playing soldier, but these were grown men. The protest was breaking up when I arrived, so the other thing I noticed was that a great many of these weirdos were queuing up to get on buses. They were bussed, en masse, to the state capitol to act out their little pantomime. So it would appear that there is some sort of organization bank-rolling this "spontaneous protest" of fine American citizens. In contrast to the lefty events in town; the lefties find their own way here. I give the conservatives credit for saving fuel, though.

As I rode home there were some of the protesters, placards still in hand, walking down to the bike path towards the free parking areas. Each man, with his wives and a full litter of unwashed spawn, flitted about the bike paths. The parents as well as the kids were completely unaware of the chaos they created by walking in Brownian motion along a bike commuter path. Twice I had to slam on the brakes because some inattentive pre-teen careened into my path. The parents only stood watching without understanding. Shouts of "on your left" only caused them to step left. Perhaps they thought it was a political statement. Well it could have been.

OK, I'm feeling a bit of bike rage at the moment, but it pisses me off that they are that stupid AND in town for a really dumb reason, to boot.

Thanks. I feel better now.

Maru, you're the best. Where else could I vent like this?