No, this is not a repeat from 1998, 99, 2000, 2001, 2002...
The Right Needs to Play as Dirty as the Left
-- so says Pajamas Media's drooling fuckpipe John Hawkins in a piece redolent of petulant, oblivious butt-hurt:
While we conservatives don’t have to stoop quite as low as the left has,
WHAT???!? Did the right just spend the past 10 years in Never-Never Land? Wtf??
... we do need to start giving them a taste of their own medicine, if only to make them think twice about the way they’re treating our side.
Awwwwwwzzzzz! "The left're being a bunch of meanie poopyheads! Only WE'RE allowed to do that! Wehhhhhh!" Man up, Nancy.
Question: what exactly are "the left" doing? Besides some well-deserved gloating after the way we've been treated by the rethugs.
For example, look at the media jihad that was shamelessly launched against Sarah Palin’s family. There was a not-so-subtle message being sent: if you’re a Republican woman, you better stay in the shadows or we’re going to destroy your family to get you.
Sigh. Destroy? Media jihad? There's so many things wrong with this statement my eyes are crossing. Let's just say that the fact that a hate-spewing, lying, incurious bonehead was asking to be the vice president of the United States had nothing to do with anything, huh? Asswipe.
The left gave the same kind of intrusive, public scrutiny to “Joe the Plumber,” a private citizen who merely asked an inconvenient question to Barack Obama.
Tell it to Dan Rather. Or those poor people stalked and mugged by Bill O'Reilly.
While conservatives defended both Sarah and Joe as we complained incessantly about the way they were treated, the reality is that the Democrats paid no price whatsoever for the out-of-bounds attacks.
Huh? the media = Democrats now? What the fuck are you talking about?
Oh, and: but... but... but... Clinton!

If they want to "play just as dirty" as the left, they're gonna have to dump bleach on themselves and clean up their act first.
Hell, the MSM has been on Obama about everything he's done. If anyone owns the media it's the Rethuglican Parody.
That asshole just hates America, the "troops" Jesus and God. Also, he's a traitor. You're either with us or against us. And you better watch what you say.
Is that how it goes?
how old is this post? why is he whining about stuff that happened FIVE MONTHS AGO?
just seems a little odd ...
this stuff surprises you?
What a bunch of crybabies. For eight years we endured their love or leave it bullshit. They can't even last 100 days. They have made themselves irrelevant.
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