Incredible no-talent man-whore for the extremist taliban right says something so mindfuckingly stupid I damn near ripped my eyeballs out and used them to play pinball.
"The GOP will not survive if it doesn't accept the fact that the Democrats are its enemy and that it must begin to play for keeps. That means finding another Lee Atwater - only meaner - and not apologizing when we get him."
Yeah, that guy Karl Rove was a complete pussy.
Jeebus. So instead of coming up with ideas and working to fix things, rethugs have come to the conclusion that in order to make a better impression on voters, they have to become even slimier.
Good idea. Because what people in this new era of hope and change want right now is more devisiveness and more hateful, malicious, meanspirited attacks. The last election showed us that. **snort** WTF is wrong with these assclowns??
Teh etherweb responds:

It's only a matter of time before that man gets the GOP to justify tortuing Americans who are their political "enemies."
Gee, by that logic the current champion of those tough-man fights* would make a GREAT GOP leader! Or maybe they should search the super-max prisons or mental asylums - - there's gotta be a real-life Michael Myers SOMEWHERE who can snap the GOP out of their overly-sympathetic policies!
(ie; the ones you flip by on TV where they're pounding the crap out of each other, including kicking, apparently with very few rules)
How about Julius Streicher? Oh wait. We hung that sonofabitch.
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