Yet another conservative mental and moral midget -- this one at the Weakly World Nooze -- performs his own fruitless lobotomy:
I’m madder than a mongoose at a cobra convention! If those lie-berals hate Sarah Palin so much, how come they keep talking about her?
We don't hate her, we think she's a laff-riot.
I heard how that computer thing called ‘the Puffy-Eyed Post’ is saying Sarah Palin plagiarized Newt Gingrich. First off, I had to look up what “plagiarized” was, and I was scared to find out, because knowing Newt, it meant Sarah was doing something dirty to him you gotta pay a hooker double for!
Good gravy.
Boy, was I relieved when it turned out “plagiarized” just meant stealing someone’s words.
Because if you're a republican, sex = bad, criminal activity = okie-dokie.

Thanks for my first and best laugh of the day!
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