June 11, 2009

Court orders Coleman to cough up

Obstructionist whiner Norm Coleman has been ordered to pay Al Franken $94,783 to cover court costs for his appeal of Minnesota Senate election results.

Minnesota law required Coleman to cover some of Franken's court costs because the race's outcome didn't change. Normie was still found to be a big fucking loser. Again. The judgment excludes Franken's attorney fees.

The Minnesota Supreme Court, still in the bag for the GOP, hasn't said when it will rule on Coleman's appeal.

Appeal? He doesn't have any. **snicker**


Fixer said...

... $94,783 ...


Capt. Bat Guano said...

What do you wanna bet that all those reprick donors that paid millions to keep this in the courts will be nowhere around when Norm needs a hand out to pay Al. Hardy har har.