June 26, 2009

Stimulus Package Update

For fuck's sake and the love of all things fuckable.......
Sanford: David Didn't Resign Over Bathsheba; So Why Should I?

Because you called for Clinton to be impeached, Mr. Family values.
And you aren't King David, fucktwit.


A World Quite Mad said...

So who did Sanford have killed so he could sleep with this woman? LOLz

Do these people *read* the Bible or do they just quote shit out of context?

Undeniable Liberal said...

Somebody else tells them what it means.

Citizen Sane said...

Can you just imagine what they'd be saying if Sanford was a democrat?? They'd be howling for his fucking head on a spike. But SC repugs are talking about "forgiveness", and suggesting the "he's only human" angle. Gimmee a break. Remember Monica-gate? I do. I seem to recall "Character Counts!"bumperstickers everywhere. And listening to "but what do we tell the children" ad nauseum. And hate-talk radio 24/7 for 2 years. I'm not recalling any repugs suggesting forgiveness....

libhom said...

Sanford should resign because he flaked out and disappear, not because he had an affair.

Distributorcap said...

sanford specifically said he voted to impeach clinton (as a rep) because he lied

i guess its ok if you are just a dumbass governor

i so hate these people