June 5, 2009

John "Big Pussy" Boner weeps at St Ronnie erection

Habitual crier John Boehner mangles another innocent hanky, this time sobbing during the victorious unveiling of the Ronald Reagan statue/holy conservatard fap-piece.


big em said...

As I noted a few days ago, Robert Parry @ consortiumnews.com had an excellent article* where he explored the idea that 'St Ronnie' was actually THE WORST US president EVER! Even if you're NOT a progressive/liberal like myself or many followers of this site, I believe that Parry's article (and other similar ones) come a LOT closer to 'the truth' than those Polyannish/hero-worship pieces about St Ronnie -- that stuff sounds more like the old 'Stalin worship' stuff that the Soviets used to churn out.

(* http://www.consortiumnews.com/2009/060309.html )

OleHippieChick said...

Christ, I hate weepy drunks.
PS: St. Ronnie was an asshole.

Chris Vosburg said...

Beat me to it, OleHippieChick. I frequent the local, and I've met every kind of drunk there is--

Psychic drunks, Happy drunks, Contentious drunks, etc.

But you nailed it: Weepy drunk.

In case anyone else is wondering, yeah, he's most definitely hammered.

Chris Vosburg said...

That said, I would give anything to see a reporter pose the question:

"Sir, given the decline of the republican party and its influence on public policy, have you given any thought to curtailment of your clearly excessive alcohol consumption?"

Serious, if I were a reporter, it's the firt question I'd ask.

LanceThruster said...

I listen to the Ron Reagan radio show and it's very reassuring to hear him talk fondly of his father but still reject his misguided and damaging politics.