Frank Rich: fear, loathing, and the dereliction of responsibility by conservatard leaders --
What is this fury about? In his scant 145 days in office, the new president has not remotely matched the Bush record in deficit creation. Nor has he repealed the right to bear arms or exacted revenge upon the snivelling, repugnant peabrains who would rather gripe with their obstructionist thumbs up their... what?
Oh, sorry. That last bit was me.
Nor has he repealed the right to bear arms or exacerbated the wars he inherited. He has tried more than his predecessor ever did to reach across the aisle. But none of that seems to matter.
Last week it was business as usual, as Republican leaders nattered ad infinitum over the juvenile rivalry of Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich at the party's big Washington fund-raiser. Few if any mentioned, let alone questioned, the ominous script delivered by the actor Jon Voight with the G.O.P. imprimatur at that same event. Voight's devout wish was to "bring an end to this false prophet Obama."
This kind of rhetoric, with its pseudo-Scriptural call to action, is toxic. It is getting louder each day of the Obama presidency. No one, not even Fox News viewers, can say they weren't warned.
Last week it was business as usual, as Republican leaders nattered ad infinitum over the juvenile rivalry of Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich at the party's big Washington fund-raiser. Few if any mentioned, let alone questioned, the ominous script delivered by the actor Jon Voight with the G.O.P. imprimatur at that same event. Voight's devout wish was to "bring an end to this false prophet Obama."
This kind of rhetoric, with its pseudo-Scriptural call to action, is toxic. It is getting louder each day of the Obama presidency. No one, not even Fox News viewers, can say they weren't warned.
But... but... he hasn't released his birth certificate!!

The birthers truly amaze me. What stupendous level of PWN and FAIL do you have to achieve to look at all the existing evidence and STILL BE CONVINCED that Barack Hussein Obama was born anywhere but in Honolulu, Hawaii?? I mean, sorry for shouting and all that, but my embolism hurts. And these people expect anybody to take them seriously? Makes me want to upend a used chamberpot on their heads and beat a righteous tabla tattoo thereon until their brains melt and become one with the (hopefully runny) chamberpot contents.
Simple math: Things do not add up to truth. He went to Occidental College but his name Barack Obama is not on their records. He was probably listed un his adoptive name. Why would he hide his school records? Evidence shows Barack Obama was an Indonesian citizen in the US on a student visa even after his parents were divorced when he was over 18 years old. That is why he did not register for the selective service, he was not required to, being a foreign citizen. Then he had to create one for the campaign when questions were asked.
The charges and evidences against Barack Obama are on my website, court style:
A copy was sent to Barack Obama and US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Both were sent about 2-11-09. Barack Obama clearly thinks he has something to hide.
Email the president that you want this controversy ended, The president, administration and Congress, and media will only press the president to quickly end this controversy if the people press them for a quick end. He should easily be able to end this controversy with proofs he has held as hidden. The president is open for blackmail from his own administration and others. This is serious and he cannot get out without prayer.
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