June 17, 2009


The stupid is strong with this one:

"Christ is returning soon, so why should we care about the environment?"
Dude, I...

I'm fucking speechless.


Capt. Bat Guano said...

If I was the creator of this beautiful planet I think I would have to toss that disrespectful fuck into a lake of fire.

shartheheretic said...

Unfortunately, that's how a lot of the bible-bangers feel. They DON'T give a crap about the environment because they are convinced the Rapture will happen at any moment.

Even though according to my count, the church I grew up in has changed its mind at least 4 times re: who the "antichrist" is since I can remember, so I don't know how they can consistently believe the big guy is coming back any time soon.

joel hanes said...

This has been the unofficial background assumption of Republican environmental policy since Reagan. James Watt was careless and actually let it slip once, but if you look at the actions of Ann Gorsuch Burford, Gale Norton, and Dirk Kempthorne, or Sen. Inhofe, you'll see that it's still in force.

Grandpa Eddie said...

They think they are hellping speed up what they so lovingly call the end times.

This proves that they only pay attention to what they want to in their bible, because their god doesn't like date-setters.

For the last 1900+ years they have been saying the "end is near" and we're all still here. Chrissake...most of the biggest polluters are fucking christianists.

Lex Alexander said...

Oddly enough, the actual quote came from an evangelical who was *criticizing* that viewpoint:

"The deeply embedded view is that Christ is returning soon, so why should we care for the environment? Well, what if I had a child with leukaemia and I said to my wife, 'We don't need to give him food because he's going to die anyway'? Man, it's the same thing!"